Immanuel Praise Fellowship
Bishop Kelvin & Prophetess La Quetta Simmons
"Healing Generations One Family at a Time"

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Author Pastor La Quetta Bush-Simmons
Like Pure Gold-A Woman's Handbook to Achieving and Sustaining Holiness.
Next-Generation Publishing announces the book release of new author, Pastor LaQuetta Bush-Simmons. Like Pure Gold-A Woman's Handbook to Achieving and Sustaining Holiness is a 10 -day workbook leading female readers on a Divine journey to reclaim their Spiritual birthright of holiness by using exercises, affirmation and mediation as a vehicle to allow God to purify and refine like gold.
Book Excerpt
"We have been taught that the essence of God is something you chase and pursue. This line of thought proclaims that God 's essence is something outside of us; a distant prize that we may or may not have the good fortune to capture
subsequently causing us to view holiness as a spiritual quest in pursuit of a foreign concept."
Pastor La Quetta Bush-Simmons
Price: $10.00
S & H: $2.00