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Immanuel Praise Fellowship Marketing & Communications Ministry


JoEllen Desessessau
Graphic Design & IPF Media
Regina Bush-Dean
Print Media
Roslyn Flournoy
Webmaster & Social Media
Rocquael Gaines
Marketing & Public Relations
Maurice King
Media & Audio Visual

The Ministry coordinates the production of all media types for presentations in assemblies, classes, ministries, and special church activities communicating the Word of God to the body, the community, and the world.  The primary purpose of the Marketing and Communications Ministry is to review the church’s communication media (Website and  Bulletin) for effectiveness and serve as an advisory function to others to help ensure that information on all significant activities that are planned or underway are shared, as appropriate, with the congregants, ministries and the community at large. Its main role is not to produce or distribute information.  However, depending on the level of interest and participation, the role of this ministry could be expanded to produce products and coordinate activities.  For more information, please contact the Communications Ministry at

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